Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Friends and Family.

Lonnie has the great opportunity to get a computer that will allow him to communicate via voice text, phone and internet. This device is call a DynaVox. It will hook both to his wheelchair and bed. It is activated/used by Lonnie using his eyes. He will be able to communicate with people without my assistance. This will give him the opportunity to have some form of freedom/independence that he is craving. You all know how much the computer means to him and so you can just imagine how excited he is to get to have one.

Heres our problem. The computer cost 13,000. The insurance will only cover 10,000. We lost VA funding so we no longer have that income/insurance. It's hard for me to ask and you know how important it is to Lonnie when he wants me to ask everyone who's wanted to help if they would like to donate to cost of the remainder we have to pay.

It would mean a lot to both Lonnie and myself. If you have any questions, please contact me and I will answer your questions if I can.

Thanks so much for caring.

Lonnie and Cari

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cari and Lonnie!
    Val here, remember me? Hope so, cuz I sure remember you all. I plan on coming to the boutique "with bells on", well you know what I mean! Your pics are wonderful too. Now that I know you have a blog, I will for sure "tune in". Love to all, Valerie
