I thought I'd let you know how Lonnie's clinic went.
Wednesday, February 18, Erik took Lonnie to clinic so Lonnie could see all of his practitioners. Dr. Bromberg says he is still declining but not as rapidly as some. That is some good news. The physical and occupational therapists gave him new gadgets to try at home to make his life easier. Some we will hang on to for future use. They gave him new medicine to add to his "hand full of meds" he takes twice a day. All in all, it was a good clinic day.
Dr. Bromberg told him they are starting a new study so we will go to the meeting in March to find out the details and get him signed up. From what he told me, it will involve IV medicine. I asked him how he felt about it and he is all for it. He's willing to try anything (my husband, the rat lab participant) to help other people who will get this horrible disease. We'll keep you posted on how that is going.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Hello everyone,
Boy life just can't get more exciting then the last two weeks. Lonnie and I decided that since we weren't working we would join my brother and sister-in-law in Yuma, AZ for the week. We started our adventure on Saturday when we headed to Las Vegas. We were going to spend the night at Lonnie's sister's house.
We stopped in St. George for food and ate at the In - n - Out Burger place. Is sure tasted good until about 6 hours later when Lonnie got really sick. We don't know if it was the food or the flu. It seems that Bob (Lonnie's friend) wasn't feeling good when he came to play with Lonnie earlier in the week. So here we are in Las Vegas and all Lonnie can do is find the choke bowl. So 1 night became 3. We never did make it to Yuma but had a great visit in Vegas.
We got home on Wednesday and Lonnie got his staples out that Friday. I have pictures to post later. He was feeling much better after getting the staples out. This is a pre warning..... we are going to try taking family pictures again on the 28th back at the scene of the crime. Keep your fingers crossed that it all goes well.
Boy life just can't get more exciting then the last two weeks. Lonnie and I decided that since we weren't working we would join my brother and sister-in-law in Yuma, AZ for the week. We started our adventure on Saturday when we headed to Las Vegas. We were going to spend the night at Lonnie's sister's house.
We stopped in St. George for food and ate at the In - n - Out Burger place. Is sure tasted good until about 6 hours later when Lonnie got really sick. We don't know if it was the food or the flu. It seems that Bob (Lonnie's friend) wasn't feeling good when he came to play with Lonnie earlier in the week. So here we are in Las Vegas and all Lonnie can do is find the choke bowl. So 1 night became 3. We never did make it to Yuma but had a great visit in Vegas.
We got home on Wednesday and Lonnie got his staples out that Friday. I have pictures to post later. He was feeling much better after getting the staples out. This is a pre warning..... we are going to try taking family pictures again on the 28th back at the scene of the crime. Keep your fingers crossed that it all goes well.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
This is the beginning of the story of Lonnie's adventure to the emergency ward. We were having family pictures taken and he fell against the corner of a brick wall. Needless to say there was plenty blood, paramedics and firemen. WARNING.....THE FOLLOWING PICTURES ARE GRAPHIC FOR YOU THAT ARE THRILL SEEKERS and have a squemish stomach

This is Lonnie waiting for family pictures. Sometime ask him about the pee story it's really fun.
This is lonnie doing the dead deer. He hated the collar so they had to put towels on each side of his head and tape down his forehead. He layed on his back for a LONG time.
This is the initial gash along with the matted hair. It is about 5.5 inches long and through the gala. Looks painful.
This is the gash after the clean up and before the stiches and staples. Luckily no brain matter was spilling out.

This is after the staples and before the CAT Scan. Our trip to the emergency room for a "few" stiches turned out to be an overnighter because of a bright spot on the CAT Scan. The next morning the CAT scan showed the spot was brighter so he had to stay another night. (he was not a happy camper)
The nurse asked us what we were doing when he got hurt and what was with everyone wearing black and white. I told her it was for a family picture so she took one for us. Not the family picture I was hoping for.
Lonnie is doing fine now. His head hurts but he would love to hear from you. His email is lonniebanks@gmail.com
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